Two Penguins

My name is Megan. I have a husband, Nick, and we are the proud parents of two crazy dogs. We live in Kentucky, and we love it. I'm trying to bring style into our home one project at a time.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

One of those days..

When was the last you had one of those days? Today is MY day... It all started last night when my brand new, dearly beloved iphone broke. It wouldn't charge right and I thought it was just my charger so I switched out the change. I hate when things like that happen because all day today I've been so anxious not knowing what to do or how I will LIVE without my new phone..(aren't I dramatic?) I currently have 3 other iPhones at my house...but I wanted my bright, shiny new one!

Then, work is slow and boring so it just leaves me with my thoughts about my phone, bills, money and will we EVER find a place to live? But really, work is the least of my worries.

I went home for lunch, in the heat of the day, only to find dog pee on the floor and a stinky pile of dishes... I don't get to leave work untill 6 today so now I have to choose between cleaning or going ot the gym. Boooo


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