Two Penguins

My name is Megan. I have a husband, Nick, and we are the proud parents of two crazy dogs. We live in Kentucky, and we love it. I'm trying to bring style into our home one project at a time.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


So I've decided that I'm going to blog about my journey through P90X.

Day 1: Chest and Back

HOLY COW, BOYS AND GIRLS! Haha! Wow, that workout was intense, to say the least. I can barely type this right now. My arms are soooo worn out. I hope I don't have to lift anything tomorrow. Honestly, I feel so empowered now that I made it through such a crazy workout. Now I feel like I can do any of the workouts in th series. I can't wait to see the results after 90 days.

I started this because I wanted to look good for Halloween, lol. I want to be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader this year and that little outfit is a tad skimpy. I've wanted to dress up like that for the last few Halloweens and have been too intimidated but THIS year I want to be that girl, in the costume ROCKIN it!!

So before my arms give out, Ill wrap this up. Day 1 went well and I can't wait for Day 2. I'm so ready to rip myself apart. BRING IT.


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